problem solver

Hey, I'm a Graphic Designer based in El Salvador 🌴 I solve stuff by learning how people behave and think, looking for patterns in unexpected places

Getting sdone

These are some of the projects I've worked on

Arguetas Painting in Tampa
Anda App Showcase
Colegio Nazareth
The Fit Fuel project
Lens Flair project

Want to learn more? Expect a complete release soon

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rrange of skills

And everything in between


Where the love for the game began


Visual curation and strategy
take center stage

Web design

A sandbox for everything I know

In short, they are not, but I like to keep them close.
This is my framework.


Make sense of the user's experiences


Brainstorm ideas by exploring all possibilities


Find out what actually works and validate


Design is non-linear. More ideas will follow. Iterate


René Ramos

On a mission to share better life experiences
through visual skills

Read the 2024 Portfolio Release Notes


Let's make
stuff happen

Email me [email protected],
or Whatsapp me +503 7742-5195

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